Thursday, February 22, 2024

New Team Pixels Management

Good morning to all! When I logged in to the blog, I found that this blog was still being visited. So I would like to thank everyone who might be interested in Team Pixels' work and invite you to visit our brand new...

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Digimon World

After recently going crazy and watching season 1 of Digimon in a week (more than 50 episodes...), I thought I would introduce you to this little-known "brother Pokémon" in our region. This series doesn't come close to the worldwide success of....

New Team Pixels address

Good morning to all! When I logged in to the blog, I noticed that people were still visiting this blog. So I would like to thank everyone who might be interested in Team Pixels' work and invite you to visit our brand new...

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Digimon world

Having recently freaked out and watched Digimon season 1 in 1 week (50+ episodes...), I thought I would introduce you to this unknown "little brother of Pokemon" in our regions. This series is not enough to match the worldwide success of...

Team Pixels realigned

Good morning to everyone and everyone! When I connected to the blog I realized that people are still going to this blog! Therefore, I would like to thank those who are interested in the work of Team Pixels and I invite you to our new...

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Team Pixel's new address

Good morning to everyone and everyone! Once I connected to the blog, I realized people were still going to this blog! Therefore, I would like to thank those who might be interested in the work of Team Pixels and I invite you to our new...

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Team Pixel's new management

Good morning to everyone and everyone! Once I connected to the blog, I realized people were still going to this blog! Therefore, I would like to thank those who might be interested in the work of Team Pixels and I invite you to our new...